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  • The International Relations Office at Wrocław Medical University organised the 2nd Erasmus Staff Week. 2024-06-03 10:36
    Illustration The International Relations Office at Wrocław Medical University organised the 2nd Erasmus Staff Week. From the 20th until the 24th of May we hosted representatives from Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy IASI, Romania; Ternopil National Medical University and Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine; University of Debrecen, Hungary; University of Crete and University of Thessaly, Greece; Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania; University of Medicine Tirana, Albania, Caucasus International University, Georgia. Read more »
  • 1Wpis pierwszy 2024-02-16 07:52
    Illustration 1Wpis pierwszy 1Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Read more »
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Photo: Karolina Maria Rojek


Universities have the unique ability to influence future generations and drive positive change in society. By integrating social responsibility into their mission and values, universities can cultivate a culture of civic engagement, ethical leadership, and responsible citizenship among their students, faculty, and staff.


The Declaration of University Social Responsibility was initiated in 2017. The document constitutes a voluntary commitment of universities to promote the idea of ​​sustainable development and social responsibility in educational programs, scientific research, but also in management and organizational solutions of universities. Its aim is to build broad public awareness of the role of universities in shaping the conditions for the country's sustainable socio-economic development.


What is more, Wroclaw Medical University signed the Magna Charta Universitatum in September 2022. The values contained in the document are not new or unknown to our academic community. Many of our actions have been perfectly in line with these values for a long time: we have been working against all forms of discrimination; there are training courses on awareness of the needs of people with disabilities; we are increasingly becoming a 'green university'; we have actively been involved in relief efforts for those affected by the war in Ukraine.


Some of our initiatives include:


Talk about Yourself

Specialists from the Department of Psychiatry of Wrocław Medical University check how students of Wrocław and Opole universities deal with emotions. As part of the 'Talk about yourself' campaign, they prepared a survey, the results of which will help develop the most effective methods of supporting young people in solving their problems. As part of the 'Talk about yourself' campaign, experts encourage students not to be ashamed or afraid to ask for help when they feel that life is overwhelming. The Medical University of Wrocław offers psychological support to its students all year round. Young people, if they feel the need, can make appointments with specialists, and additionally, as part of the 'UMW - we eliminate barriers in minds, hearts and architecture' program, the university invites students and doctoral students with disabilities to consultations. 


Move their hearts

Only half of Polish residents who suffered a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) outside a hospital can count on help from witnesses of the event. This is far too little. In Scandinavian countries and the Czech Republic, this percentage is approximately 80 percent, which is why the Medical University of Wrocław (UMW) is starting the 'Move your heart' educational program. The campaign will raise awareness of the importance of immediate resuscitation and teach how to perform it effectively and safely.


Helping Ukraine

Wrocław Medical University was one of the first universities in Poland to offer tangible help to the war-affected residents of Ukraine. Below you will find an overview of the activities undertaken by scientists, students and volunteers of UMW:



Medical University Run


Check our past event to find out more:



Earth Day

On April 22 Earth Day is celebrated. We also take part in it because we are perfectly aware of the great impact the state of the natural environment has on human health and life.We collect garbage, initiate an educational walk around the Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plants and ass part of the Car Free Day celebration, we announced a competition promoting ecological ways of getting around (on foot, by bike, by public transport). We drew prizes among people who sent us photos showing how they got to the campus without a car.
