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  • The International Relations Office at Wrocław Medical University organised the 2nd Erasmus Staff Week. 2024-06-03 10:36
    Illustration The International Relations Office at Wrocław Medical University organised the 2nd Erasmus Staff Week. From the 20th until the 24th of May we hosted representatives from Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy IASI, Romania; Ternopil National Medical University and Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine; University of Debrecen, Hungary; University of Crete and University of Thessaly, Greece; Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania; University of Medicine Tirana, Albania, Caucasus International University, Georgia. Read more »
  • 1Wpis pierwszy 2024-02-16 07:52
    Illustration 1Wpis pierwszy 1Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Read more »
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Student Research Clubs (SKN)

The activity of student clubs is a crucial element of building the potential of Wroclaw Medical University, which is the reason for having created as many as 50 Student Research Clubs to choose from.

A club is a curriculum related group where you can develop your passion, broaden your knowledge, hone your communication skills and foster creative thinking. You will learn  how to carry out research projects, prepare and publish your scientific articles and you will be able to participate in international conferences held in Poland or abroad. Members of some clubs  have the opportunity to develop practice clinical skills by participating in duty hours both in the ward for children and adolescents, as well as adults.

Our university provides education on the sense of cooperation, dedication to service, self-reliant development of abilities and other related traits necessary for being a member of an organisation, all of these will enable you to build confidence, cooperation and to acquire skills such as teamwork and effective time management.

The clubs have significant effects on students’ academic performance such as motivation and maintaining good grades. Moreover, student organisations has a strong association with psychosocial development particularly on students establishing and clarifying purpose, career planning, life management and cultural participation.

1. SKN at the Department of Nephrology (K 1)

  • Supervisor of the research club:

Dorota Kamińska, MD, PhD;

Krzysztof Letachowicz, MD, PhD, Associate Professor

  • Chairperson of the Student Research Club: Justyna Korus

Characteristics of the student research club:

The club discusses issues related to nephrology and transplantology and gives the opportunity to participate in writing scientific papers, conferences and duty hours at the clinic.

  • Headquarters: University Clinical Hospital, 213 Borowska St., 50-556 Wrocław,

Department and Clinic of Nephrology and Transplantation MedicineBuilding A, first floor

2. SKN Psychiatry (K 3)

  1. Supervisor of the research club: Patryk Piotrowski, MD, PhD
  2. Chairman of the Student Research Club: Michał Szyszka

Characteristics of the student research club:

As part of the monthly meetings, lectures and discussions held by practitioners, doctors and psychologists, as well as students. The subject matter of the meetings goes beyond the material covered during your studies in the field of medicine. The initiative resulted from students’ interests and the desire to gain a broader view of psychiatry and human social functioning.

Participation in the club also gives you the opportunity for active scientific development through participation in research and grants, creation of scientific papers, as well as presentation of the results at both national and international conferences. Members of the club also have the opportunity to develop and practice clinical skills by participating in duty hours both in the ward for children and adolescents, as well as adults.




3. SKN on neurology (K 4)

  • Supervisor of the student research club: Marta Nowakowska-Kotas, MD, PhD
  1. Deputy Chairperson: Magdalena Biernacka

Characteristics of the student research club:

The club enables both scientific activity – presenting papers at conferences and writing publications, as well as the possibility of participating in office hours.

  • Headquarters: Department of Neurology
  • Contact:



4. SKN of General, Minimally Invasive and Endocrine Surgery (K 11)

  • Supervisor of the research club: Prof. Krzysztof Kaliszewski, Ph.D.
  • Chairperson of the student research club: Anna Dziekiewicz

Characteristics of the student research club:

For years the club has been gathering students interested in surgery, who want to expand their knowledge and develop their skills in this field. Participation in the club gives you the opportunity to be on duty at the ward as well as to write scientific papers. We also organize suturing and surgical bonding courses, so everyone can start learning surgery from scratch. Meetings are usually held once a month and are tailored to the needs of students.

We are open to any new ideas and we look forward to working with you!

5. Forensic Medicine Student Association (K 14)

  • Supervisor of the research club: Jędrzej Siuta, MD, PhD
  • Chairperson of the Student Research Club: Wiktoria Filipowska
  • Deputy Student Scientific Club: Amadea Wrzesińska

Characteristics of the student research club:

The Forensic Medicine Students’ Scientific Club is intended for all students interested in forensic medical issues. The club gives you the opportunity to write scientific papers and attend autopsies. Meetings with the club’s supervisor are held once a month and selected issues in this field are discussed.

  • Headquarters: Department of Forensic Medicine, 4 J. Mikulicza-Radeckiego Street, 50-345 Wrocław
  • Contact:




6. Young Managers Student Association (K 18)

  • Supervisor of the student research club: Jolanta Grzebieluch, PhD
  • Chairperson of the student research club: Aleksandra Sołtysiak

Characteristics of the student research club:

The Students’ Scientific Association of Young Managers is a student organization operating within the science of Public Health, which is an accompanying science that works closely with medicine. Broadly speaking, ZP issues are related to aspects of health promotion and management in health care. SKNMM focuses its activities on the second part of Public Health, i.e. the one related to management. A manager is a person who deals with the implementation of the management process, i.e. planning, organizing, motivating and controlling. A health care manager is the person who represents these tasks in the health care system.

We are distinguished by such projects as:

– Student Scientific Symposium “Wrocław Public Health Days”

– Promotional campaigns: Pink Lips Challenge, Movember

– St. Nicholas Day and Kindness Day at the Faculty of Health Sciences

  • Contact:



7. SKN at the Department and Clinic of Diabetes and Endocrinology of the Developmental Age (K 19)

  • Supervisor of the student research club:

Joanna Chrzanowska, MD, PhD,

Monika Seifert, MD, PhD

  • Chairman of the Student Research Club: Julia Wodniakowska

Characteristics of the student research club:

The club is intended for people who are interested in diabetes and pediatric endocrinology. During the meetings, interesting cases of patients, insulin therapy methods combined with practical classes are discussed. You will also have the opportunity to write papers for conferences/publications.

8. SKN Formulation Technology (K 21)

  • Supervisors of the research club: Katarzyna Małodobra-Jarmołowska, PhD
  • Chairperson of the student research club: Kamila Niemczyk

Characteristics of the student research club:

The Students’ Scientific Club at the Department of Drug Formulation Technology is intended for students of all years of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Wrocław Medical University. The club  focuses on scientific activity, writing scientific papers and speaking at conferences. Students interested in working in the student research club are asked to contact the club president directly by e-mail.

9. SKN at the Department of Pharmacognosy and Plant Medicine (K 22)

  • Supervisors of the research club:

Maciej Włodarczyk, PhD,

Adam Kowalczyk, PhD, DSc,

  • Chairperson of the student research club: Joanna Ciesiółka

Characteristics of the student research club:

Members of our Student Research Club have the opportunity to conduct laboratory research and write scientific papers, both review and research-based. Every year we take an active part in the Lower Silesian Science Festival, the Conference of Young Scientists and other scientific events. We organize various types of lectures and events thematically related to pharmacognosy. We take part in trips to herbal establishments and other places related to pharmacognosy and pharmacy. If you are interested in natural healing substances and you like working in a laboratory or working with scientific publications and you would like to join our club, please contact the club supervisor or chairperson.

10. SKN at the II Chair and Clinic of General Surgery and Oncological Surgery (K 24)

  • Supervisor of the research club:

Adam Skalski, MD, PhD,

Julia Rudno-Rudzińska, MD, PhD

  • Chairperson of the student research club: Marcelina Dziuba
  • Deputy Student Research Club: Andrzej Mrożek

Characteristics of the student research club:

The Students’ Scientific Club at the Second Department and Clinic of General Surgery and Oncological Surgery is intended for people who are interested in surgery and would like to expand their knowledge beyond the framework of compulsory classes. At the monthly meetings,  previously selected issues are discussed, scientific papers, as well as questions from the LEK. Members of the club prepare lectures on the proposed topics or from the circle of their interests.

Students who want to start a scientific activity have the opportunity to create papers – and those who would like to see what surgery is in practice, can come to the office hours, elective procedures and to the surgical clinic. We recommend that students from the 3rd year of studies and above apply to the club, because basic knowledge of internal medicine is necessary for the correct understanding of the discussed aspects and full participation in practical classes.

  • Headquarters: II Department and Clinic of General Surgery and Surgical Oncology21 Borowska St. 350-556 Wrocław, Building B, fourth floor
  • Contact:





11. SKN Otolaryngology at the Department and Clinic of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery (K 32)

  • Supervisor of the scientific club: Ph.D. Karolina Dorobisz
  • Chairwoman of the scientific circle: Piotr Niemiec

Characteristics of the scientific club:

Discussing issues related to otolaryngology, preparing publications, possibility of attending office hours.

  • Headquarters: University Clinical Hospital. Jana Mikulicz-Radeckiego in Wrocław ul. Borowska 213, 50-566 Wrocław
  • Contact:



12. SKN Microbiologists (K 34)

  • Supervisor of the scientific club: Dr. Joanna Nowicka
  • Chairman of the scientific club: Martyna Lelonkiewicz

Characteristics of the scientific club:

The Student Scientific Club of Microbiologists brings together people interested in virology and the life of microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi. Lectures are organized as part of the club’s meetings, including on antibiotic resistance and the epidemiology of infections. Students interested in clinical microbiology have the opportunity not only to deepen their theoretical knowledge, but also to participate in research work conducted at the Department of Microbiology. Students work closely with assistants, thanks to which they are actively involved in interesting, long-term scientific projects, e.g. regarding bacterial biofilm, the activity of antimicrobial peptides or opportunistic infections of yeast etiology.

  • Headquarters: Department of Microbiology, ul. T. Chałubińskiego 4, 50-368 Wrocław
  • Contact:



13. SKN for Children’s Surgery (K 35)

  • Supervisor of the scientific club: M.D. Sylwester Gerus
  • Chairman of the scientific club: Kinga Brawańska
  • Deputy Chairman: Aleksandra Bruciak

Characteristics of the scientific club:

The Pediatric Surgery Student Scientific Club deals with pediatric issues, especially in the field of surgery and urology. As part of the activities in the Club, it is possible to attend clinic duties, write scientific papers and participate in conferences on this topic. The Pediatric Surgery Club is also the organizer of Wrocław General Pediatric Conference. Meetings with the Circle Guardian are held at least once a month, usually on Mondays at 4:00 p.m. in the Library. Issues related to pediatric surgery and urology as well as recent surgeries performed at the Clinic are then discussed. Registration for the scientific club for all students of the Faculty of Medicine by contacting the Chairman.

  • Headquarters: Department and Clinic of Pediatric Surgery and Urologyul. Maria Skłodowska-Curie 50/52
  • Contact:



14. SKN of Infectious Diseases, Liver Diseases and Acquired Immune Deficiencies (K 38)

  • Supervisor of the scientific club: prof. Ph.D. Małgorzata Inglot
  • Chairman of the scientific club: Mateusz Bożejko

Characteristics of the scientific club:

The group operates at the Department and Clinic of Infectious Diseases, Liver Diseases and Acquired Immune Deficiencies at ul. Koszarowa 5. As part of the club’s activities, monthly meetings are organized during which presentations prepared by the club members are presented and discussions are held on interesting topics related to infectious diseases, as well as questions from the Final Medical Examination in the field of infectious diseases. Members have the opportunity to participate in on-call duties and prepare scientific papers. The Club is the organizer of the Interdisciplinary Conference “Infections – a Challenge for Modern Medicine”.

  • Headquarters: Department and Clinic of Infectious Diseases, Liver Diseases and Acquired Immune Deficiencies, ul. Koszarowa 5, 51-149 Wrocław. Most meetings take place in the seminar room on the second floor of building A2.
  • Contact: mateusz.bozejko@student.umw.edu.pl

15. SKN Endocrinology (K 45)

  • Supervisors of the scientific club:

Ph.D. Aleksandra Jawiarczyk-Przybyłowska,

MD Katarzyna Zawadzka

  • Chairman of the scientific club: Katarzyna Antosz

Characteristics of the scientific club:

SKN Endocrinology operates at the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Isotope Treatment of Wrocław Medical University. At the monthly meetings of the club, current endocrine issues are discussed in the form of presentations prepared by students and discussions on a given topic. Members of the club also conduct scientific activities. We invite you to the annually organized Student Conference.

16. SKN Dental Surgery (K 47)

  • Supervisors of the scientific club:

Paweł Kubasiewicz-Ross, M.D., Ph.D.

dentist Artur Pitułaj

  • Chairwoman of the scientific club: Alicja Baranowska

Characteristics of the scientific club:

The topics of the scientific club include issues in the field of dental surgery and implantology. Under the supervision of supervisors, club members have the opportunity to conduct research and write scientific papers and articles. We invite all students interested in deepening their knowledge in the field of dental surgery.

17. SKN Maxillofacial Orthopedics and Orthodontics (K 48)

  • Supervisor of the scientific club: prof. Ph.D. Beata Kawala
  • Chairwoman of the Scientific Club: Julia Stawińska
  • Headquarters: Department of Maxillofacial Orthopedics and Orthodontics, Wrocław Medical University, ul. Krakowska 26, 50-425 Wrocław
  • Contact: julia.stawinska@student.umw.edu.pl

18. SKN Pediatrics named after Janusz Korczak at the 3rd Department and Clinic of Pediatrics, Immunology and Rheumatology of Developmental Age (K 51)

  • Supervisor of the scientific club:

Aleksandra Lewandowicz-Uszyńska, M.D., Ph.D.

Mateusz Walkowiak

  • Chairman of the scientific club: Maria Kubicka

Characteristics of the scientific club:

SKN Pediatrics, named after Janusz Korczak, deals with general pediatric issues, and in particular you can learn about the issue of primary immunodeficiencies. It is a perfect place for people interested in deepening their pediatric knowledge and wanting to take their first steps in scientific activity.

  • Contact:




19. SKN Toxicology (no. K 55)

  • Supervisor of the scientific club:

Dr. Ewa Sawicka,

Dr. Adriana Kubis-Kubiak

  • Chair: Katarzyna Lubaszka

Characteristics of the scientific club:

The scientific group presents work at conferences, among others: at International Conferences of Young Scientists, at Meetings of the Polish Toxicological Society and at conferences at the Faculty of Pharmacy. The activity of SKN also involves organizing student conferences, e.g. “Progress of young scientists in research on food, drugs and other xenobiotics”, “Interdisciplinarity of contemporary toxicology”, and “Wroclaw Scientific Meetings”. Members of the Toxicological Scientific Committee have been awarded and distinguished many times for their work. They are the authors of many review publications. The Toxicology Club has achieved high positions in the ranking of all Scientific Clubs of our University several times: 3rd place in 2018 and 10th place in 2017. Currently, the SKN focuses on the most important toxicological problems.

  • Headquarters: Department of Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacyul. Borowska 211 A, 50-556 Wrocław
  • Contact:



20. SKN Urology Center (K 62)

  • Supervisor of the scientific club: dr hab. n. med. Bartosz Małkiewicz, prof. UMW
  • Chairman of the scientific club: Karol Zagórski

Characteristics of the scientific club:

The Student Scientific Club of the Urology Center is subordinated to two clinics – the Clinic of Urology and Urological Oncology and the Clinic of Minimally Invasive and Robotic Urology, which together constitute the University Urology Center.

The club brings together both students interested in writing scientific publications on broadly understood urological topics, as well as those interested in the operating theater and the surgical aspect of urology. During the club’s meetings, progress in scientific works written by students is discussed and workshops are organized, including: laparoscopy and ultrasound. Members of the club have the opportunity to enrich their scientific achievements, participate in conferences (including the Polish Urological Society), as well as come to the department and expand their practical knowledge.

  • Headquarters: University Urology Center of the University Clinical Hospital at ul. Borowska 213 in Wrocław
  • Contact:




21. SKN of Hematology Oncology (K 63)

  • Supervisor of the student research club: Prof. Anna Czyż, Ph.D
  • Chairman of the Student Research Club: Ignacy Tarski

Characteristics of the student research club: 

Students have the opportunity to deal with a wide range of scientific research and co-creatiton of scientific projects. Students have the opportunity to learn about the specifics of this type of professional development of a doctor and explore its entire process: from data collection, through analysis, to the creation of scientific studies. The club gives a chance to publish the results obtained during the conferences and to co-authorship articles. At the monthly meetings aspects of hematology in terms of everyday life, current scientific reports and everyday clinical practice are discussed. Meetings are arranged periodically by the members of the club.

  • Headquarters: briefing room (entrance through the secretariat) in the Department of Hematology, Blood Cancer and Bone Marrow TransplantationWybrzeże L. Pastura 4; 50-367 Wroclaw

22. SKN at the Department and Clinic of Ophthalmology (K 68)

  • Supervisors of the student research club:

Hanna Zając-Pytrus, MD, PhD

Małgorzata Mulak, MD, PhD

  • Chairman of the Student Research Club: Maciej Dyda

Characteristics of the student research club:

Meetings of the club are held once a month, in the conference room of the Department and Clinic of Ophthalmology. The topics discussed include: pediatric and surgical ophthalmology. The meetings are conducted by specialists in these fields. Members of the club can participate in ophthalmology conferences and duty hours.

  • Headquarters: Department and Clinic of Ophthalmology at 231 Borowska Street in Wrocław
  • Contact:



23. SKN at the Department of Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology (K 76)

  • Supervisor: Weronika Kozłowska, PhD
  • Chairperson: Marcel Białas
  • Deputy Chairperson: Daria Zblewska

Characteristics of the student research club:

Members of the Students’ Scientific Club conduct in vitro cultures of medicinal plants, learn about the methods of obtaining medicinal plant substances by extraction and distillation, as well as the methods of compounds identification of plants using chromatographic techniques and the study of gene expression level of enzymes responsible for the formation of specialized plant metabolites. Members of the Club participate in national and international scientific conferences, organize student science camps and student scientific conferences, and are authors and co-authors of scientific articles. Registration for the Circle takes place on a continuous basis.

  • Headquarters: Department of Pharmaceutical Biology and Biotechnology211 Borowska St.
  • Contact:




24. SKN of facial malformations (k 79)

  • Supervisor of the research club: Prof. Marcin Mikulewicz
  • Chairperson of the science club: Julia Stawińska
  • Headquarters: Facial Malformations Student Association at the Department of Maxillofacial Orthopaedics and Orthodontics of Wrocław Medical University26 Krakowska Street, 50-425 Wrocław
  • Contact: julia.stawinska@student.umw.edu.pl

25. SKN of Molecular and Cellular Medicine (K 80)

  • Supervisor of the student research club: Małgorzata Małodobra-Mazur, PhD
  • Chairperson of the Student Research Club: Ignacy Tarski

Characteristics of the student research club:

The Students’ Scientific Association of Molecular and Cellular Medicine at the Department of Molecular Technologies (ZTM) is an organization associating students from various faculties. The aim of the association is to promote knowledge and laboratory techniques in the field of: molecular medicine, diagnosis of infectious diseases using molecular biology techniques, diagnosis of cancer using molecular biology techniques (liquid biopsy), cell biology, analysis of cell signals, gene therapy, forensic and population genetics.

The aim of the Molecular and Cellular Medicine Club is to share insights, skills, novelties, as well as breakthroughs in the field of molecular medicine.

  • Headquarters: Department of Molecular Techniques, Department of Forensic Medicine,                                 52 M. Skłodowskiej-Curie Street, 50-369 Wrocław
  • Contact:



26. Pediatric Cardiology Student Association (K 81)

  • Supervisor: Marek Wasicionek, MD, PhD
  • Chairperson of the Student Research Club: Agata Boczar

Characteristics of the student research club:

During the meetings, issues in the field of paediatric cardiology are discussed: congenital heart defects, management of emergencies; principles of operation and interpretation: ECG, echocardiogram, Holter ECG and ABPM. The club also allows you to participate in duty hours at the ward.

  • Headquarters: meetings of the student club are held monthly in the seminar room of the Department of Paediatrics, Allergology and Cardiology
  • Contact: agata.boczar@student.umed.wroc.pl

27. SKN at the Department of Biomedical Environmental Analyses (K 85)

  •  Supervisor of the club:

Marta Kępińska, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor;

Natalia Zaręba, MSc

  • Chairperson: Natalia Sobczak
  • Deputy Chairperson: Martyna Maciaś

Characteristics of the student research club:

The club brings together students of different years and faculties, such as pharmacy and medical analytics. The activity entails broadening knowledge in the field of nanomedicine, broadly understood toxicology, including nanotoxicology or environmental hazards through regular meetings of the club, involvement of its members in scientific research and participation in the publication of obtained results, as well as through participation in scientific conferences.

  • Headquarters: Department of Pharmaceutical Biochemistry, Department of Biomedical Environmental Analysis, 211 A Borowska Street, 50-556 Wrocław
  • Contact:




28. SKN Clinical Genetics (K 88)

  • Supervisor of the student research club: Ryszard Ślęzak, MD, PhD
  • Chairman of the Student Research Club: Natalia Polakowska

Characteristics of the student research club:

The subject matter of the club includes genetic diseases (especially those that are not included in the curriculum) and congenital malformations. Members have the opportunity to conduct scientific activities (conferences, publications) and to be on duty in the genetic clinic.

29. Cardiothoracic Surgery Unit (K 90)

  • Supervisor of the student research club: Piotr Błasiak, PhD
  • Chairperson of the science club: Karolina Lepsy

Characteristics of the student research club:

The Students’ Scientific Club of Thoracic Surgery enables students of the medical faculty to develop their interests closely related to thoracic surgery, but also in the fields of: pulmonology, internal medicine, surgery and many others. Members of the club can deepen their knowledge in conversation with teachers, by participating in duty hours. An important activity of the club is scientific work and participation in conferences, for which we prepare together with the supervisor.

  • Headquarters: Department and Clinic of Thoracic Surgery (ul. Grabiszyńska 105, 53-439 Wrocław, room 101)
  • Contact:



30. SKN of Clinical Pharmacology (K 104)

  • Supervisor of the student research club: Magdalena Hurkacz, PhD
  • Chairperson of the science club: Kamila Grest

Characteristics of the student research club:

The Students’ Scientific Association of Clinical Pharmacology at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of Wrocław Medical University was founded in 2010. It brings together students of the Faculty of Pharmacy with the Department of Medical Analytics, Faculty of Medicine, Health Sciences. The main goal is to develop young scientists’ interests in modern medicine. The main directions of research carried out as part of the activities of SKN Clinical Pharmacology focus on the optimization of pharmacotherapy, clinical pharmacy, and social pharmacy. The activities are based on pharmacogenetic studies of drug metabolism, conducted in the Pharmacogenomics Laboratory of the Department, pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analyses (PK/PD) on the basis of drug concentrations in the body in selected groups of patients. We investigate biomarkers associated with drug-induced complications. Students also carry out numerous surveys assessing various aspects of broadly understood pharmacotherapy, the knowledge of the society in the field of monitoring adverse drug reactions, drug interactions, and addiction treatment. From the very beginning, we have also been trying to organize various pro-social actions and participate in charity activities. We have participated in the organization of several nationwide scientific conferences and every year we organize our own micro-conference addressed to students on pharmacology. The members of the club conduct their own scientific and research projects. We create opportunities for self-improvement.

31. SKN Invasive Cardiology (K 112)

  • Supervisors of the student research group:

Prof. Krzysztof Reczuch;

Prof. Piotr Kübler, PhD

  • Chairman of the Student Research Club: Kamila Florek
  • Deputy Chairman of the Student Research Club: Piotr Brzozowski

Characteristics of the student research club:

Meetings on cardiology and interventional cardiology are held once a month. The meetings are conducted by specialists in these fields. Members of the club can participate in writing scientific papers and observing procedures directly in the hemodynamics laboratory.

32. SKN of Vascular, General and Transplant Surgery (K 121)

Supervisor of the research club: Prof. Dariusz Janczak MD, PhD
Chairman of the Student Research Club: Andrzej Mrożek
Characteristics of the student research club:
The Vascular Surgery Student Association was established in 2018 by merging the Vascular Surgery Club and the Vascular Surgery Student Association at the Department of Surgical Specialties at the 4th Military Clinical Hospital. It gathers students interested in surgery, who want to expand their knowledge and practical skills in this field and want to develop their scientific flair. Members of the club meet at a general meeting once a month and discuss a given surgical problem and are on duty at the clinic.
Headquarters: Department of General, Vascular and Transplant Surgery, USK in Wrocław
Contact: andrzej.mrozek@student.umw.edu.pl

33. SKN Paleoanatomy Vertex (K 127)

  • Supervisor of the student research club: Paweł Dąbrowski, PhD
  • Chairman of the Student Research Club: Kinga Brawańska

Deepening anatomical knowledge, participation in research on dissecting and excavation materials, and participation in conferences are just a few of the goals of the club.

  • Headquarters: Katedra i Zakład Anatomii Prawidłowej (Sala Prosektoryjna) ul. Chałubińskiego 6a, 50-368 Wrocław
  • Contact:



34. SKN at the Department of Industrial Pharmacy (K 128)

Supervisor of the student research club: Katarzyna Karłowicz-Bodalska, MA

Chairperson of the science club: Laura Jonderko

Deputy Chairman: Natalia Sauer

Characteristics of the student research club: 

The Students’ Scientific Club at the Department of Industrial Pharmacy brings together students of the third, fourth and fifth year of the Faculty of Pharmacy. One of the main objectives of the Student Research Club is to promote and expand knowledge about the requirements of medicinal raw materials, modern methods of analysis and quality requirements in the production of medicinal products and dietary supplements.

Headquarters: at the Department of Industrial Pharmacy, 211 A Borowska Street, 50-556 Wrocław

Contact: laura.jonderko@student.umw.edu.pl


35. SKN Pathomorphology (K 131)

Supervisor of the scientific club: Marta Woźniak MD, PhD

Chairman of the Student Research Club: Martyna Nowak-Perlak

Characteristics of the Pathology Club:

The Pathomorphology Student Research Centre operating at the Department of Pathomorphology gathers students who want to start or continue their scientific activity. You can either possible the current research project or start your own. Members of the club will have the opportunity to learn how to organize work during a clinical examination, how to microscopy and prepare microscope slides, how to participate in the development and presentation of scientific papers, how to work in molecular, histopathological and cyto-oncological examinations, and how to participate in pathomorphological sections.

Headquarters: Department of Pathomorphology at 1 K. Marcinkowskiego Street in Wrocław

Contact: martyna.nowak-perlak@student.umw.edu.pl


36. SKN Clinical and Dissecting Anatomy (K 134)

Supervisor of the student research club: Zygmunt Domagała, PhD, Jurand Domański, MD

Chairpersons of the Student Research Club: Marta Wanat, Andrzej Mrożek

Characteristics of the student research club:

The “Clinical and Dissecting Anatomy” Student Research Club operating at the Department of Normal Anatomy brings together Medicine Faculty students of Wrocław Medical University. The members of the club are students who actively participated in the anatomical competition organization “Scapula Aurea/Golden Scapula” or were “Scapula Aurea/Golden Scapula” competition finalists, Wrocław edition. The main research and teaching plans of the club are related to:

– Conducting fetal dissection tests: developmental anatomy of the lower and upper limbs.

– Preparation science: preparation of specimens for the needs of the Anatomical Museum.

– Conducting anatomical research based on the ultrasound and anthropometric equipment available in the Department.

– Conducting dissection tests on adult corpses.

Headquarters: Department of Normal Anatomy, Department of Human Morphology and Embryology, Wrocław Medical University, ul Chałubińskiego 6a, Wrocław

Contact: marta.wanat@student.umw.edu.pl


37. SKN Paediatric Nursing (K 137)

Supervisor of the student research club: Anna Rozensztrauch, PhD

Chairperson of the science club: Aleksandra Grzelak

Characteristics of the student research club:

The Students’ Scientific Association of Paediatric Nursing (SKNPP) operates at the Faculty of Health Sciences of Wrocław Medical University. It was founded in the spring of 2014. The members of SKNPP are interested in aspects of theoretical and practical knowledge related to paediatric nursing. We focus our scientific activity on supporting children in both health and illness. Our main scientific goal is to conduct and participate in research and publishing. We also develop our own interests and create opportunities for self-improvement. We invite you to join and participate in SKNPP meetings!

Headquarters: Faculty of Health Sciences, 5 Bartla Street, 50-996 Wrocław

Contact: anna.rozensztrauch@umw.edu.pl


Student Research Club’s website:


38. SKN of Experimental Dentistry and Biomaterials Research (K 145)

Supervisors of the research club: Prof. Zbigniew Rybak, Dr. Maciej Dobrzyński, Prof. UMW

Chairman of the Student Research Club: Bartłomiej Błaszczyk

Characteristics of the student research club:

The aim of the Club’s activity is to conduct scientific and research work and to enable its members to deepen and develop their interests in the field of biomaterials and experimental dentistry.

Headquarters: Department of Experimental Surgery and Biomaterials Research

Contact: bartlomiej.blaszczyk@student.umw.edu.pl

39. Cancer Cell Biology (K 148)

Supervisors of the research club: Anna Choromańska, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor;  Nina Rembiałkowska, Ph.D.

Chairman of the student research club: Magdalena Kloc

Deputy Chairperson: Elżbieta Bartoszewska

Characteristics of the student research club:

Cancer is currently one of the leading causes of death. In order to meet the problems of today’s world, we look for and research new therapies (m.in. chemotherapy (CT), electrochemotherapy (ECT), photodynamic therapy (PDT)), which may be used in oncology in the future. Thanks to the use of specialized molecular research, we deepen and develop our interests in the field of cancer cell biology. The subject of our activity is the preparation, conduct and promotion of research projects related to cancer cells. Detailed information can be found here.

Headquarters: Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the Faculty of Pharmacy (Pharmacy building II, second floor, part C2/02, corridor to the right).

Contact: magdalena.kloc@student.umw.edu.pl


40. Pathophysiology of the Circulatory System “vide cor meum” (k 162)

Supervisor of the student research club: Lech Kipiński, PhD

Chairman of the Student Research Club: Ignacy Górecki

Characteristics of the student research club:

The Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Student Club is an organization associating students of Wrocław Medical University who want to expand their knowledge in the field of diseases and risk factors of cardiovascular diseases and use it in independent research of selected issues. Meetings are arranged periodically.

Headquarters: room no. 11 in the Department of Pathophysiology at 7 Mikulicza Radeckiego Street.

Contact: ignacy.gorecki@student.umw.edu.pl

41. SKN of Heart Disease (k 168) 

Supervisor of the student research club: Robert Zymliński, MD, PhD

Chairman of the Student Research Club: Julia Soczyńska (Niżnik)

Characteristics of the student research club:

The Club’s activity is based on training in the field of current strategies for the treatment of heart diseases, development of scientific papers, which we publish and present at conferences in Poland. In addition, we strive for scientific cooperation with other clubs. We also offer the opportunity to learn your future profession in practice by participating in on-call hours.

Headquarters: Department of Heart Diseases, USK 213 Borowska St.

Contact: : julia.niznik@student.umw.edu.pl

42. SKN of Emergency Medicine and Emergency Conditions (K 169)

Supervisor of the research club: Grzegorz Gogolewski, PhD, Rafał Czyż, PhD

Chairperson of the student research club: Weronika Rodobolska

Characteristics of the student research club:

The club is aimed at expanding practical skills and knowledge about life-threatening emergencies. At each meeting, selected issues in the field of emergency medicine and emergency conditions are presented and discussed, with a specification of the diagnostic and therapeutic process in individual cases. An integral part of the club’s activity is participation in duty at the Emergency Department of the University Teaching Hospital. The club also offers the opportunity to participate in practical workshops.

Headquarters: Department and Clinic of Emergency Medicine of the University Clinical Hospital at 213 Borowska Street in Wrocław

Contact: sknmedrat.umwroc@gmail.com


rafal.czyz@umw.edu.pl weronika.rodobolska@student.umw.edu.pl

43. SKN Allergology of Adults (K 183)

Supervisor of the student research club: Krzysztof Gomułka, MD, PhD

Chairman of the Student Research Club: Michał Błaszkiewicz

Deputy Chairman: Agata Walulik

Characteristics of the student research club:

The Adult Allergology Student Research Club brings together students interested in allergology who want to broaden their knowledge. As part of the club, meetings and workshops are organized once a month. Members can write scientific papers in the field of allergology and take part in conferences.

Headquarters: Department of Internal Medicine, Pneumonology and Allergology, Wrocław 50-369, 66 Marii Skłodowska-Curie St.

Contact: michal.blaszkiewicz@student.umw.edu.pl


44. SKN of Specialist Biological Analyses (K 192)

Supervisor of the research club: Mariola Śliwińska-Mossoń, PhD

Chairman of the Student Research Club: Beata Gajewska

Characteristics of the student research club:

The Students’ Scientific Club of Specialized Biological Analyses gathers students interested in diagnostic analyses of selected diseases and who want to expand their knowledge. As part of the club, meetings and workshops are organized once a month. Members can write scientific papers in the field of knowledge about the current threats resulting from the development of modern civilization diseases, as well as their risk factors, and they can also take part in conferences.

Headquarters: Department of Medical Analytics, Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Hematology, Faculty of Pharmacy, 216A Borowska St.

Contact: beata.gajewska@student.umw.edu.pl

45. SKN of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology (K 199)

Supervisors of the research club: Tomasz Sozański MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Maciej Danielewski, MA

Chairperson of the Student Research Club: Katarzyna Wer

Characteristics of the Student Research Club:

The activities of the SKN at the Pharmacology Department of the Faculty of Medicine focus on the study of medicinal substances’ properties and other factors influencing pharmacotherapy, including: drug-drug interactions and drug interactions with food, phytotherapeutics, dietary supplements and stimulants, access to treatment based on the latest European standards, testing the knowledge of patients and health care professionals about the preparations used and their attitudes to therapy. A student of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Medicine and Medicine and Dentistry in the second year of studies or higher may become a member of the Club. We also invite students in their first year of studies to cooperate with us. The students associated in the organization are united by the desire to increase the safety of pharmacotherapy of patients by: deepening knowledge about preparations containing active substances, which are becoming more and more popular in society, and educating students and patients in the field of safe pharmacotherapy.

Headquarters: Department of Pharmacology, 2 Jana Mikulicza-Radeckiego Street, 50-345 Wrocław

Contact: katarzyna.wer@student.umw.edu.pl

46. SKN International Students Hematology Society (K 200)

Supervisor of the student research club: Marta Sobas, MD, PhD
Chairman of the student research club: Izabela Basiora
Characteristics of the student research club:
The International student’s Hematology Society (ISHS) is an organization for students who are interested in Hematology. We aim to provide theoretical knowledge and practical skills for students who wish to learn more in the field. We discuss many topics in each meeting .
Not only is this an organization to teach and learn, but it also offers opportunities for research. Students will have the opportunity to start a research project, and be able to present what they have concluded in conferences.
ISHS is for any student who is interested in Hematology as their field of choice, or wants to know what Hematology is about. We recommend students from 3rd year and above to join since it is important to have some clinical skills (i.e.: taking a physical examination, a full history), but all are welcome. We meet once or twice every month in the evening. All info about when and where our next meeting is, will be posted in our WhatsApp group
We look forward to seeing you there!
Contact: izabela.basiora@student.umw.edu.pl

47. SKN Urology and EBM (K 201)

Supervisor of the research club: Jan Gnus, PhD, DSc, professor
Chairman of the Student Research Club: Krzysztof Gadzalski
Characteristics of the Student Research Club:
The activity of the Student Research Club is based on three main pillars – practical learning of urology, consisting mainly of attending duty hours, writing scientific papers that allow students to expand their scientific achievements, with a strong emphasis on practicing evidence-based medicine and training in the field of ultrasonography. As part of the meetings of the club, the basics of writing scientific papers, theoretical issues supporting the science of ultrasonography and topics related to broadly understood urology and oncological urology are discussed.
Headquarters: Department of Urology and Urological Oncology of the Provincial Specialist Hospital at 73a H. M. Kamieńskiego Street in Wrocław
Contact: krzysztof.gadzalski@student.umw.edu.pl


48. SKN General Radiology and Neuroradiology (K 202)

Supervisor of the research club: Maciej Guziński, MD, PhD, Arkadiusz Kacala, MD, PhD
Chairman of the Student Research Club: Krzysztof Winiarczyk
Characteristics of the student research club:
The General Radiology and Neuroradiology Student Research Group brings together students who want to broaden their knowledge in the field of radiology. As part of the club, meetings are organized during which we discuss the clinical and diagnostic aspects of the most interesting cases from our clinic. On behalf of the club and based on the data of the university diagnostic imaging center, it is possible to write scientific papers and participate in conferences.
Headquarters: Department of General, Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology, University Clinical Hospital, ul. Borowska 213, 50-556 Wrocław.
Contact: arkadiusz.kacala@umw.edu.pl

49. SKN of Transplantology and Advanced Therapies of Heart Failure (K 211)

Supervisor of the research club: Prof. M. Zakliczyński, MD, PhD; Mateusz Sokolski, MD, PhD,
Chairman of the Student Research Club: Dominik Krupka
Characteristics of the student research club:
We deal with the broadly understood subject of heart failure therapy.
The club allows you to:
-participate in meetings where we practice the ability to interpret ECG and perform echocardiography, as well as deepen your knowledge about heart failure therapy
-write scientific papers
– participate in conferences and cardiology duties (from year 4)
Headquarters: Institute of Heart Diseases, 213 Borowska Street, 50-556 Wrocław
Contact: dominik.krupka@student.umw.edu.pl
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/682659310083115/

50. SKN Human Physiology (K 212)

Supervisor of the Club: Bartłomiej Paleczny, PhD

Chairman: Szymon Buras

Characteristics of the student research club:
The Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology of Wrocław Medical University associates students who want to expand their knowledge in the field of human physiology by participating in regular scientific meetings, moderated by the Department’s employees, or participating in research work carried out at the Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, often in cooperation with clinical units of Wrocław Medical University and University Clinical Hospital. Bearing in mind that Physiology – referred to as the “Queen of all medical sciences” – encompasses, at least in part, almost all (if not all) branches of medicine, we do not narrow down the topics of scientific meetings and remain open to proposals submitted by students. We want the meetings to touch on the most current, widely discussed and extremely intriguing physiological issues. Meetings are also organized to prepare for the National Competition of Physiological Knowledge “The Great Synapse”.
Students who find their research acumen are invited to participate in scientific projects carried out or co-carried out by the Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology. We also offer the possibility of proposing and conducting “own” research experiment in the field of broadly understood physiology of the autonomic nervous system, which will culminate in a conference abstract or a scientific paper.
If you would like to join the ranks of the Human Physiology Club, please contact us at: szymon.buras@student.umw.edu.pl or sknfizjologiiczlowieka@gmail.com.


Link to the club’s facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/514224843924562

